Mekaanisen Musiikin Museo



These last two sites tell in English : "Charming, simplified, functional style stone house surrounded by a beautiful park area.

The 'museum' is unique in Finland.

Inside it are some of the most interesting and funniest instruments such as automatic pianos, amazing mechanical music boxes, a whining player violin, very many gramophones, the 75-man Popper Goliath -- the world's largest orchestrion -- etc.

All of these are presented in a humorous way during one hour tour which flies by very quickly."

Directeur: Liisa et Jürgen Kempf


Pelimanninkatu 8, 78850 Varkaus, Finlande

Informations de contact

Pelimanninkatu 8, 78850 Varkaus, Finlande

Author Info

Michel Trémouille

Member since 7 ans ago
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